
Collection Care

Waking Up Collections - A Post-Lockdown Guide:

Museums and heritage organisations have temporarily closed during the Coronavirus lockdown. 

As a result, collections are being held dormant for a significant period, increasing the risk of deterioration caused by the environment, pollutants, pests and reduced levels of preventive monitoring and control.

In response to this situation, the Institute of Conservation (Icon) and the Icon Care of Collections Group have published a new Guide and Checklist to outline how to address collection conservation issues that might have occurred during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown period.

Icon hopes that organisations with limited in-house conservation expertise, will find the guide and checklist a useful starting point in assessing the likelihood of risks impacting collections and prepare staff for resolving issues when they return to site.

The guidance was produced as a collaborative effort: Coordinated by the Heads of Conservation and Scientific Departments in National Museums, Galleries, Libraries and Archives Group and the Icon Care of Collections Group, it drew on the expertise of specialist colleagues at National Museums Scotland, National Records Scotland, ChurchCare (Church of England), Natural History Museum, British Library, National Galleries Scotland and Birmingham Museum Trust.  

The Icon Care of Collections Group is an Icon special interest group, bringing together conservators as well as external professionals such as curators, archivists and architects.  

For further information please visit:

At Smith Greenfield, we are experts in insuring museum and heritage collections. If you would like to discuss how we could help your museum or heritage organisation, please contact Steve Smith or telephone 020 8603 3730.